Sophia Kolcun – President
Hi everyone! My name is Sophia Kolcun and I’m a second-year mechanical engineering major from Melbourne, Florida.
Throughout my time in FLEG, I have served on the Outreach, Recruitment, and FLEGacy Committees. As a member and director of the Outreach Committee, I have been able to give back to the Gainesville community through the organization of fundraisers and community-oriented events. During the Summer of 2024, I served as a Recruitment Director. In this role I led a committee to execute events intended to promote FLEG to potential members. Meeting hundreds of new engineering students and seeing them grow as new members of FLEG has been one of the most rewarding experiences of this organization. Finally, planning mentorship events with the FLEGacy Committee to promote connections within our community has created so many fun memories.
Joining FLEG has truly shaped my college experience in a positive way. Not only have I found a supportive community of engineering students, but I’ve also gained professional experience and confidence in my leadership abilities. Some of my favorite FLEG memories include camping at Spring Retreat, being a mentor, and volunteering at a monkey sanctuary.
As President, my role is to manage the organization as a whole, lead our General Body Meetings (GBMs), and deliver engaging leadership lessons. I also oversee our leadership team, serve as a mentor, organize our semester schedule, and keep us on track with our goals and values.
Outside of FLEG I am a…
UF Senate, Engineers Without Borders
David Bickram – Executive Vice President
Hi! My name is David Bickram and I am an International Student from Trinidad and Tobago studying Computer Engineering. During Freshman Year, I joined FLEG looking for a community of ambitious individuals that would help make my transition to University easier. Little did I know that these people would later become my closest friends!
I was on the Professional Affairs Committee in Freshman year and became the Committee Director in my Sophomore year. As a PA member, I planned many events that equipped the attendees with Professional resources such as information on how to write a cover letter, assistance with editing LinkedIn profiles and resumes etc. PA was very impactful for me during my freshman year and being able to give back by leading this committee is very rewarding.
Over the Summer, I was privileged to be a part of FLEG’s External Affairs Committee and Recruitment Committee. As an External Affairs member, I was tasked with contacting industry professionals and university faculty to attend FLEG’s major yearly networking event, Fall Corporate Formal. As Executive Vice President, I look forward to leading the new External Committee in the coming year as I aim to improve FCF and maintain FLEG’s relationship with our sponsors.
As EVP, I work to maintain the organization’s professional representation internally and externally. Externally, I am able to do this by communicating with corporate representatives and increasing their engagement with our organization. This is done through information sessions, panels, and other events, for the members to increase their exposure to the engineering industry. Internally, I am able to help the members by creating resources and workshops to aid in their professional development.
Outside of FLEG I am a…
Caribbean Students Association Programs Director, IEEE Coordinator
Jared Foley – Administrative Vice President
Hey! My name is Jared Foley and I am a second-year Geomatic Sciences major from Palm Coast Florida. I joined FLEG my freshmen year to gain a community of like minded students committed to building strong relationships and pushing each other to succeed.
I began my journey in FLEG on the Internal Affairs committee. I loved the opportunity to facilitate relationships and encourage my fellow Fleg to build meaningful connections with each other. Since I enjoyed Internal affairs so much, I decided to pursue being a member of the Recruitment committee over the summer. I wanted the opportunity to bring more people into FLEG to give them the opportunity to connect with others in the same way I did. Along with recruitment I became a Co-Director of the Internal Affairs committee. Being able to guide a new class of freshmen through the event planning process and see them build connections with others has been an incredible experience.
Making the decision to apply to FLEG has been the best decision I made in college. I have been surrounded by incredibly talented people who are passionate and driven to learn and grow in every capacity. I have gained experience in everything from networking with professionals to event planning. My favorite FLEG memory is planning and executing Spring Retreat with the rest of Internal my freshman year. Being able to put on such a large event for 70 people and see the joy that it brought them made all the hard work and planning worth it.
As the Administrative Vice President, it is my responsibility to handle all things internal to the organization. What this actually looks like is overseeing the social aspect of FLEG and ensuring people are engaging and having fun while learning valuable leadership skills. I host socials throughout the semester in addition to a few larger events and competitions, additionally I work with the rest of the leadership team to oversee things like engagement, mentorship, mental health, and ensure we are an inclusive and welcoming organization.
Outside of FLEG…
Geomatics Student Association E-board member, First Year Florida Peer Leader, Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarship Ambassador, GMAP research intern
Jack Kellen – Secretary
Hello! My name is Jack Kellen and I am a second year computer science major from Port Orange Florida. I joined FLEG during my freshman year and I became a part of the Involvement Affairs Committee where I learned to collaborate with outside student organizations to put on events within FLEG. This role was impactful on me and I made amazing friends and found outlets to balance my academic life with a social one. I also gained skills including how to research organizations, make contact with them and work alongside them. These skills would help me when I would work over the summer on the External Affairs committee to contact company representatives to do presentations for the Fall Corporate Formal. Additionally, I am the current Mental Health Chair for FLEG. Here I provide healthy strategies to manage the stresses and problems that often arise with transitioning to college, provide connections to appropriate on campus resources and work to support club members who need help. Joining FLEG has been one of the most foundational parts of my college experience. It quickly gave me focus on what I should prioritize, gave me a cohort of peers to learn from and gave me the opportunity to make lifelong friends. I have gained professional, administrative and leadership experience and have overall become a more competent and confident version of myself due to my experiences here. Currently, I am the Secretary and in charge of many administrative backend tasks. These include managing club documents and resources, booking rooms for events, maintaining the Slack channel, running GBM presentations and moderating elections amongst other tasks.
Outside of FLEG…
Undergraduate CS Research, Engineers without Borders
Jenna Moore – Treasurer
Hi! My name is Jenna Moore and I’m from Gulf Breeze, FL. I’m a second year mechanical engineering student.As a freshman, I was an outreach committee ambassador working to expand FLEG’s reach beyond the UF campus by serving the surrounding Gainesville community. We hosted numerous events including making dog toys for a local shelter, playing board games with residents in a local nursing home, and organizing a litter cleanup. During the last few weeks of my freshman year, I was selected to lead the outreach committee for the next year.
Through the next spring and fall semesters, I am excited to be serving as FLEG’s treasurer. I will help to ensure that all committees have the resources they need to put on amazing events. I’ll be managing all merch, fundraisers, and other facets of FLEG’s budget. If you have any questions on how FLEG’s budget works, please reach out!FLEG has enabled so much for me during the last few years and my one hope is that I can continue to pass these benefits on to future FLEG classes. I’ve grown to be the leader I am today through the help of FLEG, have grown professionally, and have found a nice niche within UF that I can confide in. Thank you FLEG!
Outside of FLEG…
SWE, Greenhouse College, Study Abroad in Osnabrück, Germany