Collegiate Committee

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Collegiate Committee

Co-Director: Blake Crawford

Co-Director: Vinu Suthakaran


The Collegiate Committee’s goal is to connect freshmen in the College of Engineering with resources that will enhance their collegiate experience and enable them to become more well-rounded individuals. This committee facilitates personal and academic development by providing opportunities through events, workshops, and showcases for freshmen to learn new skills, get involved in academics and extracurriculars, and help them stand out in the future.

Past Events

  • My Semester & Me – Event focused on helping freshman create their 8 semester academic plan! Freshman were able to collaborate with upperclassmen in their major to get personalized advice on how to complete this plan. 
  • Research Ready – This event allowed students to hear from students and faculty to learn about they could become involved in research during their time as an undergraduate.
  • Where’s Wertheim? – Journey around the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering with images hidden in unique places within the campus so that FLEG could become more familiar with the opportunities available to them as UF Engineering majors.
  • Wix It Up -Guided workshop that helped students build a personal portfolio website using the platform WIX!

Internal Committee

Co-Director: Madison Modlin

Co-Director: Jared Foley


Internal Committee’s goal is to integrate new members into an inclusive and active community which encourages strong connectivity among all members. Internal Affairs fosters relationships as peers, mentors, and friends that last beyond membership. In this community, members turn to one another for support, guidance and camaraderie.

Past Events

  • Fall Retreat -A recurring annual event that allows the new FLEG to get together, and we’ll connected. This is typically a day trip with fun activities planned throughout.
  • FLEGsgiving -A Thanksgiving themed potluck dinner at Depot Park
  • FLOM – A FLEG Prom that turned out to be a surprise murder mystery event.
  • Spring Retreat– A 2 day, 1 night camping trip at Suwannee state park 
  • Minute to Win It– a team engineering-themed event featuring an egg-drop as well as a toothpick-tower building competition that tested our teamwork, communication, and our knowledge of egg mechanics


Involvement Committee

Co-Director: Jennifer Whisenhunt

Co-Director: Eve Maramba


The Involvement Committee’s goal is to provide Engineering students with opportunities to get involved and explore their passions through a variety of student organizations outside the College of Engineering. The committee serves the new class of Gator Engineers with opportunities and endeavors that help students discover and build upon a wide variety of non-engineering interests. By co-hosting open events throughout the year, FLEG are able to build leadership skills that make them more well-rounded professionals.

Past Events

  • Do You Have What It Bakes? – A holiday-themed cookie decorating competition that was a part of a collaboration with the Food Science and Human Nutrition Club
  • Paint. Pot. Plant. (P^3)– An event in collaboration with UF Environmental Horticulture that informed attendees about poinsettia planting fundraisers and how to keep their own dorm plant – all while painting their own pot!
  • Model F.U.N. – A debate-centric event that got attendees to discuss fun debate topics with an appearance by a Model UN representative


Outreach Committee

Co-Director: Sophia Kolcun

Co-Director: Jenna Moore


 The Outreach Committee’s goal is to encourage the members of FLEG to engage with the broader Gainesville community through the organization and execution of various community service events. To do this, current and former members of FLEG can propose and lead STEM-related and non-STEM related service events which will positively impact the UF and Gainesville community at large.

Past Events

  • Francis Fights Famine – A food drive event where all proceeds were donated to St. Francis House
  • GatorTrax – Teaching local school children about an engineering topic through hands-on activities. 
  • Doggie Donations -A charity-based raffle event that raised money for Haile’s Angels Pet Rescue located in Gainesville
  • Paracords in the Plaza – Made paracord bracelets and heartfelt cards for veterans in the Plaza of the Americas.


Professional Affairs Committee

Co-Director: David Bickram

Co-Director: Lucja Stawikowska


The Professional Affairs Committee’s goal is to provide freshman engineers with opportunities and resources to achieve their professional goals. By installing essential skills through various events and workshops, Professional Affairs will work towards being a source of key principles that students need as they transition from collegiate to corporate environments.

Past Events

  • No Luck Needed Interview Prep – An event implementing a presentation with skits to explain all aspects of an interview and how to approach them. Following the presentation, the opportunity to practice answering the various types of questions discussed was given.
  • Hired or Expired – An exciting competitive event and opportunities to practice interview skills where attendees went through a series of fake interview questions ranging from normal to very bizarre.
  • Internship Exhibition – A presentation where engineers who have had internships spoke about their experiences, the actions they took that led up to those experiences, and what lessons they learned along the way.
  • Let’s Link Up – A Linked-In workshop that taught freshmen how to set up their Linked-In accounts and use their accounts to display their professional selves effectively. 


FLEGacy Committee (Second Year)

Co-Director: Soor Hansalia                         

Co-Director: Jordyn Richardson


The FLEGacy Committee’s goal is to maintain the spirit of the organization. It provides a platform for SLEG to give back and stay involved. Our hope is to develop a more expansive network for all our members, both FLEG and SLEG, to connect with one another.


  • FLEG Family Tree –  Maintenance of a multifaceted network to increase connectivity between all of our members.
  • Events – Our committee strives to facilitate events that cultivate relationships between FLEG and SLEG. These events work towards creating a network for FLEG to explore professional and personal development.
  • Mentorship – Developing the bond between FLEG and SLEG through social and professional relationships to foster their introduction into Engineering at UF. It is one of the core values of FLEG where community and family is established through learning opportunities.
  • SLEG Retreat – A new annual event that gathers SLEG for a day of fun activities to reconnect and continue to foster the FLEG family.

Public Relations Committee (Second Year)

Co-Director: Aarnav Gautam                          

Co-Director: Arossa Adhikary


The Public Relations mission is to advertise for FLEG events, serving as the bridge between FLEG and the University of Florida community. The committee is the online voice for the organization; managing FLEG’s social media presence, advertising materials, and official webpage.


  • Social Media – This committee handles the FLEG Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Website –  Design and editing of the FLEG website.
  • Graphics – Creates and approves flyers, graphics, and the visuals on merchandise produced by FLEG.
