Our Organization

Our mission is to build well-rounded Gator engineers who exemplify the values of leadership, passion, and growth through service to their college and community


The Freshman Leadership Engineering Group is a professional and selective student organization within the College of Engineering at the University of Florida. We seek to guide, serve and inspire students by increasing leadership opportunities to better define their collegiate purpose.

Through participation in student organizations, research, and other educational or involvement activities, we empower students within and outside the organization to develop effective leadership skills for their future within the College of Engineering, the University of Florida, and the engineering community.


Our Values


FLEG’s primary directive is developing leaders that will thrive within the College of Engineering, as well as in situations they encounter after graduation. While no two leaders are the same, many succeed by exemplifying similar attributes geared towards integrity, cooperation, and humility. For instance, leaders provide a clear vision of the future, see themselves as an equal to their peers, and aim to foster a collaborative environment. Leaders are influenced by their background and personal experiences and are capable of harnessing their strengths to impact others. By building unique leaders, FLEG builds the well-rounded, interpersonal engineer that our society needs now more than ever. 

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but their ability to empower others.”

– John Maxwell


Individuals who possess great passion and drive can change the world. As such, FLEG is committed to fostering existing passions and igniting new ones by exposing students to vast opportunities to get involved within engineering and beyond. As an organization, FLEG is committed to guiding students as they branch outside of their comfort zones and pursue their interests beyond the classroom.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”

– Oprah Winfrey


 FLEG aims to promote academic, professional, and social growth in each person that we encounter. Our organization provides countless opportunities for growth in areas such as public speaking, event planning, networking, and technical skills. We encourage students to tap into their full potential, and with the support of the organization, we believe they will have both the tools and resources to do so. FLEG serves as a stepping stone to various other opportunities, both within the university and after graduation. We aim to imprint upon our students that the more opportunities and meaningful experiences they take advantage of now, the more they will find in the future.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still.”

 – Chinese Proverb


Leaders possess a long-term commitment to serving others. FLEG seeks to embody this core principle by encouraging students to recognize the importance of being active and engaged in the community. By branching outside of their comfort zones and honing their soft skills, members of FLEG seek to put service into practice through events and volunteer opportunities in the College of Engineering, as well as in the Gainesville community. 

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

 – Mahatma Gandhi


In many members’ belief, mentorship is the core of FLEG. It is through strong relationships between past and present members that our organization feels like a family. We form these friendships throughout the school year with retreats, socials, and challenges that aim to bring members closer and make UF feel a bit smaller. FLEG’s extensive alumni network connects students to professional opportunities and meaningful discussions, leading to a large community of people with aligned goals and passions. The social and professional mentorships gained as a member of our organization provide a path to long-term opportunities and extend into lifelong connections. 

“Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.”

Helen Keller